







B. countries

C. signatories



商务印书馆创立于1897年,被誉为“工具书的王国”,她的成立标志着中国现代出版业的开始。英国牛津大学出版社直属牛津大学,成立于 1478 年,至今已有 500 余年的历史,在全世界的学术界和普通读者之中都享有盛誉。


语言能力指在社会情境中,以听、说、读、看、写等方式理解和表达意义、意图和情感态度的能力 。

B. purpose




A. north



同时P20 Plus支持整句扫描,在进行句子扫描翻译时,有关该句型使用的时态、语态及句型结构等语法知识都会同步显现,让孩子在做作业时,再也不用做到一半去翻笔记或语法书。

《词汇:分级分类学习册》根据《英语课程标准》(2003年版)词汇表校对,共3429条,另外增加most, must两个词条,其中词义、短语、例句等摘录自《朗文现代英语词典》、《新牛津英汉双解大词典》《现代英汉综合大词典》、《美国传统辞典(双解)》等权威英语学习词典,精选贴近高考的用法搭配,分为四个部分。

1.Undeterred by his early failures, he decided to ___ writing.他没有被一开始的失败吓到,决定坚持写作。

2.An undeveloped ___ of coastline came into our eyes. 一段未开发的海岸线映入我们的眼帘。

3.Africa is one of the ___ regions of the world.非洲是世界上落后的地区之一。

4.Colonial officials tended to see Indian society as an undifferentiated ___.殖民地官员往往把印度社会看成一个统一整体。

5.These shows aim at ___ undifferentiated whole.这些节目针对不加以细分的大众。

6.There was an undignified ___ for the free drinks.出现了争抢免费饮料的丢人场面。

7.Neil continued with ___ enthusiasm.尼尔兴致不减地继续做着。

8.Forty years on, the book’s power to ___ is undiminished.四十年过去了,这本书的震撼力丝毫未减。

9.Developers have agreed to buy the site for an ___ sum.开发商同意购买那块地,具体金额不详。

10.There was undisguised ___ in his voice.他的语气中带着不加掩饰的轻蔑。

11.Doctors found undisputed evidence of ___ damage.医生发现了神经受损的确凿证据。

12.He is one of the ___ world heavyweight champions.他是公认的世界重量级拳击冠军之一。

13.At last I was able to work ___.我终于可以安安静静地工作了。

14.The land is to be left undisturbed as a nature ___.这块土地将作为自然保护区原封不动地保留下来。

15.Mark seemed undisturbed by her ___.马克似乎对她的威胁无动于衷。

16.I’ll give the matter my ___ attention.我会全力关注此事。

17.The screws can be ___ by hand.这些螺丝可以用手拧开。

18.I undid the ___ carefully.我小心地打开包裹。

19.He ___ his coat.他解开外套。

21.If a medicine is taken again too soon, it may undo all the ___ that has been done.如果服一种药物时间间隔过短,可能会抵消所有已产生的药效。

22.In the end, drink was his ___.最后,喝酒害了他。

23.Your zip’s undone.你的拉链没有拉上。

24.One of these buttons has ___ undone.其中的一粒纽扣松开了。

25.The washing-___ had been left undone.餐具放着没洗。

26.In the end, Othello is undone by his ___.最后,奥赛罗被自己的嫉妒心毁了。

27.The film was an ___ success.毫无疑问,那部电影很成功。

28.That is ___ true.那是千真万确的。

29.Undoubtedly, public interest in folk music has ___.无疑,大众对民间音乐的兴趣减退了。

31.Matt ___ and got into bed.马特脱掉衣服上了床。

32.Joe still needs an adult to ___ him.乔仍需要大人给她脱衣服。

33.You can ___ undressed in here.你可以在这里脱衣服。

34.Cindy was wondering about her room in a state of ___.辛迪光着身子在房间里走来走去。

35.He started to get ___.他开始脱光衣服。

36.De Gaulle felt that America had ___ influence in Europe.戴高乐感到美国在欧洲影响过大。

37.Exercise gently and avoid putting yourself under undue ___.做些和缓的运动,不要让身体负荷过多。

38.The kick should be ___ without undue delay.应立即开球,不得无故拖延。

39.She doesn’t seem ___ concerned about her exams.她似乎对考试并未过分担忧。

41.They declared their ___ love for each other.他们宣称永远相爱。

42.Farmers still sometimes ___ human bones here.农民们有时仍然能在这里挖到人骨。

43.In one shop, I unearthed a wonderful ___ of 1920s toys.在一家商店,我发现了一套非常好玩的二十世纪二十年代的玩具。

44.The inquiry ___ some disturbing evidence.那次调查发现一些令人不安的证据。

45.His eyes ___ with an unearthly light. 他眼睛里闪着奇异的光。

46.He suggested a meeting at some unearthly ___ of the morning.他建议一大清早就开会。

47.As she neared the door, Amy felt a growing sense of ___.埃米走向门口时感到越来越不安。

48.Public unease ___ defense policy is increasing. 民众对国防政策的忧虑在增加。

49.Ninety percent of those ___ felt uneasy about nuclear power.受访者中有90%的人对核能感到忧虑。

51.She eventually felt ___ an uneasy sleep.她终于睡着了,但睡得并不踏实。

52.Bill ___ uneasily in his chair.比尔在椅子上不安地动来动去。

53.Charles’s concern for the environment sits ___ with his collection of powerful cars.查尔斯拥有很多动力强劲的汽车,这与他对环境的担忧格格不入。

54.I had to throw away the ___ food.我只能把没吃掉的食物扔掉。

55.Old vehicles are often ___.旧车往往很费钱。

56.He will never forget the ___ spectacle of players attacking the referee.他永远不会忘记那次运动员攻击裁判的丢人场面。

57.There is still a largely ___ workforce in the job market.人才市场上仍有大部分都没有受过教育的劳动力。

58.His voice was ___.他语气平淡。

59.Zoe is normally an ___ person.左耶通常是个不轻易流露感情的人。

61.The pain was ___.疼痛无法忍受。

62.The ___ task of informing the victim’s relations was given to him.通知受害人亲属的为难差事交给了他。

63.Edward III was in a ___ and unenviable position.爱德华三世处境微妙而尴尬。

64.The ___ distribution of wealth is one of our social issues.不公平的财富分配是我们的社会问题之一。

65.We have booked two rooms of unequal ___.我们预定了大小不同的两个房间。

66.The pieces were unequal in ___.那几件东西长度不一。

67.The hotel has a range of ___ unequalled in the city.这家酒店拥有本市最好的各种实施。

68.His answer was an ___ ‘No.’他的回答是毫不含糊的“不”。

69.He passes the ball with ___ accuracy.他传球一向精准无误。

71.His breathing had become ___.他的呼吸变得不均匀。

72.Annie led a quiet ___ life.安妮过着安静平淡的生活。

73.The journey was ___.旅途平平淡淡。

74.After Tokyo, Okinawa seemed ___ at first.去过东京以后再到冲绳,一开始让人觉得有些乏味无聊。

75.The experiment ___ some unexpected results.这次实验产生了一些意想不到的结果。

76.Her death was totally ___.她的死完全出人意料。

77.Hague’s announcement was not entirely ___.黑格的声明并非完全出乎意料。

78.His father died ___.他父亲意外去世了。

79.For some ___ reason, he wants to move to Ipswich.不知何故,他想搬到伊普斯威奇去。

81.The study looks at a relatively ___ area of human relationships.这项研究考察人类关系中较少探讨的领域。

82.I’d like to thank you all for your ___ support.我想感谢大家一贯的支持。

83.She ___ against cancer with unfailing good humor.她始终乐观地与癌症抗争。

84.These laws are aimed at preventing ___ competition.这些法律旨在防止不公平竞争。

85.Many employers have recognized that age ___ is unfair.许多雇主已经认识到年龄歧视是不公平的。

86.She won $20,000 for unfair ___.她因被不公平解雇而得到两万美元的赔偿。

87.Mrs. Taylor believes her son has been unfairly ___.泰勒太太认为,她儿子受到不公正待遇。

88.The tribunal decided that Mr. Mathews had been unfairly ___.特别法庭裁定马修斯先生是被不公平解雇的。

89.Geoff had been ___ to her on many occasions.杰夫多次对她不忠。

91.Some of the ___ vocabulary may be unfamiliar to you.有些专业词汇你可能不熟悉。

92.We were unfamiliar ___ the neighborhood.我们不熟悉这个社区。

93.He ___ the top button of his shirt.他解开衬衫最上面的那颗扣子。

94.Careless spelling mistakes in a letter can create an ___ impression.信中粗心的拼写错误会给人留下不好的印象。

95.The Prime Minister appeared to be totally ___ by the protesters.首相面对抗议者时显得镇静自若。

96.Dave had been quite wrong to call Michelle cold and ___.一直以来,戴夫说米歇尔冷漠无情是大错特错了。

97.Rachael left her meal ___.雷切尔的饭剩下了。

98.She never gets any exercise – she must be really ___.她从不锻炼 – 身体一直很不好。

99.Jenkins is unfit for public ___.詹金斯不适合担任公职。

101.The house was unfit for human ___.这房子不宜住人。

102.Hubbard was declared ___ unfit to stand trial.哈伯德被宣布精神状态不宜接受审判。

103.The discussion was becoming ___. 讨论的焦点越来越分散。

104.He gave her an ___ look.他茫然地看了她一眼。